Crime prevention by design...

CPTED Concepts

What is CPTED?

CPTED is Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design.

Underlying the use of CPTED is the assumption that the proper design and effective use of the built environment can lead to a reduction in the fear and incidence of crime, and an improvement in the quality of life(Crowe, 2000, p. 46).

What is '2nd Generation CPTED'?

2nd Generation CPTED focuses on social soft issues as well as 'situational factors'.

What is Territoriality?

Territoriality is one of the key components of CPTED and Design Out Crime.

What is 'target hardening'?

Target hardening is the use of designoutcrime strategies to make it harder for a crime to be committed and reduces the gains of crime.

What is Defensible Space?

Defensible Space is a key concept in Design Out Crime and CPTED strategies

What is Surveillance (overview)?

Surveillance is part of capable guardianship.

Physical design has the capacity to promote informal or natural surveillance opportunities for residents and their agents. If offenders perceive that they can be observed (even if they are not), they may be less likely to offend, given the increased potential for intervention, apprehension and prosecution.

What is 'permeability'?

Permeability is a dimension of access control.

Access control

Access control is a Design Out Crime and CPTED technique to reduce criminals access to crime possibilities.

Physical surveillance (lighting).

Light is essential for visual surveillance. Prioviding additional lighting can aid surveillance and have a crime reduction effect.

Physical surveillance (CCTV)

Surveillance can be supported by physical systems such as CCTV, additional lighting, access management systems etc

Formal/organised surveillance

Formal or organised surveillance is where indiviuals employed by an organisation formally participate in surveillance as part of their employment. They may be dedicated security staff or employees that have a minor surveillance role as part of their duties.

Natural/informal surveillance (Eyes on the Street)

Informal or natural surveilance comprises individuals relatively passive observation of events around them.

Activity support

Activity support refers to designed features of a space that support preferred activities and act to discourage other activities.

Image management

Image management refers to designing and maintaining the appearance of a space to have positive emotionally driven behavioural effects.

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To receive information on CPTED and future crime prevention competitions and initiatives please create an account.


Burglar tells how

Peter Woolf, a reformed burglar, speaks on local news and demonstrates how easy it is to break into a home.



Designing Out Crime

Innovative design is important to reducing crime says UK Home Office. New types of crime have evolved with society and technology  and Design helps prevent new crimes and reduce criminal activity.

What is CPTED?

  • CPTED is Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design.

    Underlying the use of CPTED is the assumption that the proper design and effective use of the built environment can lead to a reduction in the fear and incidence of crime, and an improvement in the quality of life(Crowe, 2000, p. 46).




Funding Sponsor

  • The WA CPTED Awards are sponsored and funded by the WA Police Community Engagement Division.

    WAPCED website

Wow - amazing!

  • DOCAwards08 3rd Prize
    Jenny Loqvist

NoClimBin pdf
  • Hairy-leg stockings

    Hairy-leg stockings for girls reported on Sina Weibo with aim of reducing unwanted attention from males.

CPTED in school

  • A rapid review of CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) applied to a school or educational setting.